Vidyard Review: Pricing, Features, & Alternatives [2024]
Explore our 2024 Vidyard Review. Delve into pricing, features, & smart alternatives so you can make the best choice for your video marketing needs.
Julia Szatar
Julia is the Head of Marketing at Tavus, a developer-first AI video research company powering revolutionary apps in video editing, marketing, sales, and education via APIs.
July 23, 2024

You're probably no stranger to the impact of video messages. From commercials to social media reels to website popups, you probably experience it every day.

Now, you're ready to use it to your advantage, but how? You might consider trying Vidyard: a video marketing software designed to help sales teams improve connections with prospects and leads. Vidyard users can record and send videos via email, LinkedIn, or another messaging platform to help their sales outreach stand out. 

Does Vidyard actually work? And is it the right fit for your business? Or are there alternative video platforms out there that are more scalable and can deliver a better ROI?

This Vidyard review will answer all of that and more. Let’s get started. 

What is Vidyard Used For?

Vidyard is primarily used by sales teams to create personalized video content for prospects. The platform also has tools that let users host videos and hold meetings in video rooms. 

How To Record Videos on Vidyard

Here’s how to record videos on Vidyard: 

1. Login to your account, then click the purple "New" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

2. After clicking the button, the software will allow you to choose camera-only, screen and camera, or screen-only recording. If users want to record content from their screen, they must download the Vidyard Chrome extension.

3. Click “Share” at the bottom right corner of the screen to start recording.

4. To finish recording the video, click the “Stop” button in the recording controls.

5. Users will see a preview of their video to review and can make any necessary edits before sharing the video with the video-sharing link. 

Now that we’ve gone over some Vidyard basics, let’s get into our Vidyard review. 

Vidyard Review

Is Vidyard a software to consider when it comes to video marketing and content creation? Or should you focus your time and energy on other platforms? 

Read on to find out! 


vidyard feature

     Vidyard video messages:

  • Users can record up to hour-long videos with a camera with the Chrome extension. 
  • Screen records up to 1080p, with or without a facial camera. 
  • Sends notifications anytime a video is viewed. 
  • Able to make quick edits and trim videos. 
  • Landing pages can be customized to match brands. 


     Vidyard video hosting 

  • Ad-free video hosting and streaming in up to 4k quality. 
  • Allows users to optimize their videos for SEO with captions and metadata. 
  • Users can add forms, links, etc. to their video to influence viewers' next steps. 
  • Offers an online video player that can be embedded and streamed on any device. 
  • Automatically transcribes video for accessibility. 


    Vidyard Hubs: 

  • Users get to pick and choose which video they want to showcase in their hub. 
  • The video hub is fully customizable. 
  • Send out viewer analytics to other platforms.
  • Enable comments or add a chat widget to the video for discussion. 


     Vidyard Rooms: 

  • Users can store and organize all their videos in one place. 
  • Can add comments and tag others about a topic to prevent communication errors. 
  • Invite members to join and collaborate in the video hub. 
  • Users get notified whenever a stakeholder is joining their Room. 

     AI Script Generator: 

  • New feature that generates sales scripts to allow users more time to focus on sales and other business tasks. 
  • Can be added to Chrome for free. 


    Free Screen and Webcam Recording

  • Share videos via email or add them to the company website. 
  • Ad-free video hosting and creation. 


Vidyard is a decent video platform, offering: 

  • AI script generator creates sales scripts to use during videos.
  • Generates GIF previews that can be embedded into emails. 
  • Users can add buttons or links to guide viewers to next steps. 
  • Video hosting is ad-free.
  • Dashboard analytics provide insights into video performance and metrics. 


Despite some benefits, Vidyard does have its limitations. 

  • Users have to record every video they send out, which severely limits scalability. 
  • Free and Pro plans have a time limit on video recordings and free plan users don’t get password protection for their videos. 
  • No AI capabilities outside their script generator.
  • The platform can only record videos in 1080p.


Vidyard has four pricing plans: 


  • 25 videos for the video library
  • Video editing
  • Share videos via email, social, etc.

Pro: $29 per month

  • Unlimited videos 
  • Video insights 
  • CTAs for user videos

Plus: $59 per person, or $89 per month

  • Full video analytics
  • Customizable branding
  • Team performance analytics

Business: Contact sales for a demo

  • CRM/MAP integration
  • Fully customizable video CTAs
  • Custom permission and security options

The Bottom Line on Vidyard

While Vidyard is a decent platform for video hosting and screen recording, it really doesn’t do much more than that. If you’re looking for personalization, scalability, and automation, it’s not going to be the right fit. You can only send as many videos as you have the time to make, and in a growing business, that time will be limited.

Vidyard Alternatives

If you don’t think Vidyard’s the best solution, that’s fine! Here are some alternative video platforms for you to check out. 

1. Tavus

Tavus sets itself apart from other video communication tools as an innovative AI video generator platform that personalizes video for every recipient. Designed to aid in establishing significant connections with your audience, it can produce tailored videos using cutting-edge AI to recreate your face and voice to send a completely personalized message. 

Here’s how it works:

1. Start by recording your template message with the information you want to share with viewers. This video will serve as a template for the other videos.

2. Choose which parts of your video will be dynamic variables: these are the words or phrases the AI will generate for you. They may include introductions, names, addresses, location, product purchases, customer milestones, or more.

3. Store your variable data in a data file, upload it, and let the AI pull that data to generate your personalized videos.

4. Or, set up your videos to go out automatically through programmatic workflows. Did a new lead just sign up for a demo? Send them a personalized welcome video. Did a current customer reach an exciting milestone? Send them a custom congratulations.

Key Features:

  • The only personalized video software that blends synthetic media to users' faces and voice to recreate ultra-realistic videos 
  • Advanced AI cloning technology captures facial movements, voice, and emotions to accurately replicate the users' face and voice
  • Record just one video and then Tavus can make millions of unique versions so your teams can scale quickly
  • Host videos on drag-and-drop landing pages with customizable CTAs, colors, titles, logos, and more
  • Personalized preview videos for emails, LinkedIn, SMS, and other channels for more viewer engagement
  • Automatically generate personalized preview for videos to increase conversions and responses

Best for: Tavus works best for mid-size businesses and enterprises wanting to scale their personalized video creation.

Tavus vs Vidyard

Vidyard is what it claims: a video software that can send videos via email and other channels. But its functionality stops there. Here are some key differences between Vidyard and Tavus that highlight why Tavus is the best option for growing teams. 

  • Video generation: Tavus can automate the video content creation process and generate videos for you, while Vidyard doesn’t.
  • Customization options: Compared to Vidyard, Tavus offers more customization opportunities including CTAs, dynamic backgrounds, logos, URLs, and more. Users can also add personalized subtitles to their thumbnail previews with Tavus. Vidyard doesn’t offer this feature. 
  • AI capabilities: Tavus uses AI to create personalized video contact with images, scripts, CTAs, etc., while Vidyard’s only AI capabilities are to help their users write scripts. 
  • Use cases: Vidyard is directed at sales teams, while Tavus can be used for: recruiting, sales, onboarding, training, consumers, products, e-commerce, real estate, marketing, customer success, and public relations. 

If you’re looking to scale the benefits of video messaging, AI is the way you do it. 

Get started with Tavus

2. YouTube

YouTube is a hosting platform where users and businesses can upload and share video content. They can create their personalized video channels and organize their content into playlists however they want. Businesses can also embed YouTube videos on their websites and social media.

Key Features:

  • Viewers can upload videos, host live streams, share reels, and more. . 
  • YouTube has a live caption feature and supports multiple languages. 
  • YouTube Advertising helps users create video ads, build campaigns in multiple formats, and track video performance. 

Best for: Sharing and hosting video content

3. Loom

The Loom platform is designed to offer asynchronous video messaging to help teams eliminate the need for real-time meetings. Users can record their screens, faces, and voices and share these recordings through links.

Key Features:

  • Viewers can add texts, comments, and emoji reactions to videos
  • AI feature that can generate titles and summaries, automate tasks, and more
  • Automated transcription for recordings
  • Small selection of video editing tools

Best for: Sharing and screen recording videos for internal communication

Dive deeper here: Vidyard vs Loom 

4. Vimeo

Vimeo is a software tool designed for video marketing, offering live streaming and recording capabilities. It allows users to host webinars and virtual events, store videos in its library, and leverage a range of templates for creating ads, slideshows, presentations, tutorials, and events. 

Key Features:

  • Organize, share, and make changes for easy video management
  • Videos are protected with custom password protection
  • Users can customize video players with logos, colors, music, and filters
  • Edit the lengths and sizes of videos

Best for: Hosting and recording videos

Use the Best Vidyard Alternative for Video Communications

For a video software that is over a decade old, Vidyard still has plenty of work to do to catch up to some of their peers. 

Vidyard says its main mission is to help business owners and companies create personalized videos, but it can’t do that at scale. In reality, though the platform allows you to record and send videos, that’s really all it does.

If your goal is to scale your business, increase consumer and viewer engagement, and drive your sales, consider Tavus

Tavus’ state-of-the-art AI produces high-definition and ultra-realistic personalized videos for every single customer–from just one video. From this template, Tavus can auto-generate hundreds, thousands, or even millions of videos. No matter the scale, every single one will be unique.

Get ready for revolutionary ROI. 

Book your demo with Tavus

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