6+ Best Personalized Video Software [2024]
Discover the best personalized video software for creating customized videos that engage, nurture, and convert.
Julia Szatar
Julia is the Head of Marketing at Tavus, a developer-first AI video research company powering revolutionary apps in video editing, marketing, sales, and education via APIs.
July 23, 2024

In 2024, the popularity of personalized videos has soared to new heights…probably because they convert 202% better than non-personalized videos. In a world inundated with generic marketing messages, personalized content captures attention, elicits emotion, and creates a genuine connection with viewers.

Of course, creating a truly compelling personalized video can seem like a complex and time-consuming process. But this is where the power of personalized video software comes into play. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, there are now an array of sophisticated tools designed to help us craft the perfect custom video. 

But, keeping up with the latest technology and trends can be a lot. So we decided to do the research for you! This article will review some of the best personalized video software solutions and how personalized videos can leave a lasting impact and inspire conversions–long after the video has ended.

What is Personalized Video Software?

Consumers are now expecting to see a brand’s video content, and videos can boost click-through rates, response rates, and meetings booked. But when you start personalizing videos, you can reach a whole different level of engagement and conversions–10 times higher engagement to be exact. 

This is possible with personalized video software, which are tools that create individualized videos for multiple recipients. They can integrate each audience member’s unique details ranging from their names and companies they work for to their customer milestones or product feedback. This customized content creates highly targeted and emotionally impactful communication that connects with viewers on a more personal level. 

Of course, sending one personalized video at a time severely limits the effectiveness of this medium. You won’t see ROI if you’re manually recording or making every single video you need to send. The personalized video software you use should allow for scalability so you can reach hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands–or more–individuals with video content catered directly to them. 

However, not all personalized video software has this capability. Many require manual recording or editing for each recipient…but not Tavus. Tavus is an advanced AI video generation tools and software that can convert one recording into as many as you need. You can programmatically fit Tavus videos into any existing workflow so individuals automatically receive real-time, personalized responses at whichever touchpoints you choose.  

Did a lead just submit a form on your site? They can get an automated, personalized thank you. Did 1,000 leads submit forms? Congratulations! And yep–they all can get a personalized thank you too. Using software like Tavus allows for automating and scaling personalized video outreach so you can see more engagement, conversions, and ultimately revenue. 

Personalized Video Software Use Cases


When marketers can efficiently deliver personalized video content at scale, they can maximize the impact and reach of their campaigns and build stronger connections with their target audience. Whether it's addressing customers by name, showcasing tailored product recommendations, or incorporating specific purchase history, personalized videos lead to higher engagement and can boost conversion rates by 500%. 


Personalized video software empowers sales teams to captivate prospects in a novel and genuine way. Sales videos that address individual pain points, challenges, and aspirations help sales professionals build rapport and nurture leads–without all the tedious work that limits their ROI potential. 


Integrating video touch-points programmatically into your customers’ experience is one of the most effective ways to implement personalized videos. Showcase products and enhance the overall product experience by creating personalized videos that meet customers wherever they’re at within your product. 

Whether it’s an onboarding tutorial automatically sent after sign-up or a feature-specific walkthrough that pops up as the customer works their way through your product, companies can provide a personalized touch that improves loyalty, retention, cross-sells, and up-sells. 

Customer Success 

Customer success teams can leverage personalized video software to create video tutorials, troubleshooting guides, or product update videos that address specific customer roadblocks. 

Re-activate churning customers by reaching out to them at the perfect moment and reminding them of all the success they’ve had with your product or service so far. Automate these opportunities at different touchpoints to keep your customers engaged at every part of their journey. 


Recruiters can send personalized video messages to candidates, highlighting their unique skills, experiences, and fit for the role. These videos offer a more engaging and authentic way to connect with potential hires and help companies stand out in a competitive job market. 

Imagine this: instead of sending standard emails to every candidate you’re hoping to reach, you get to send a video greeting them by name that discusses their current role and company–and your great opportunity for them. Watch your calendar book up with calls the second you send that LinkedIn message. 

Consumer Engagement 

B2C brands create personalized videos that take consumers on a journey full of customized recommendations, exclusive offers, and interactive storytelling. Through the incorporation of customer data and preferences, businesses can create highly relevant and captivating videos that drive engagement, foster brand loyalty, and encourage social sharing.

Many More!

The opportunities for using personalized video software are endless. But for maximum ROI, integrate these videos within your current workflows to replace traditional, manual tasks that slow down your team. 

If the software you choose allows, set up programmatic videos to automate your personalized video generation process. You won’t even need to open up the video software to generate these videos: they’ll happen in the background, based on whichever trigger or integration you set up. 

Seeing personalized video software’s programmatic potential–not just as one-off campaigns–means teams can deliver an inspiring, truly customized experience while also saving time, effort, and resources.

Best Personalized Video Software

Now that we’ve covered some of the potential uses of personalized video software, let’s review the top platforms to try.

1. Tavus

tavus logo

Tavus is a personalized video software that uses artificial intelligence to create custom videos for every recipient. Just record one video and then the AI transforms it into numerous personalized videos that change based on your requested variables. 

Here’s how it works: 

1. You record a video on the Tavus platform with whatever message you want to share with your audience. This one video will serve as a template for all the rest. 

2. Choose the variables in your template that will be unique to each viewer. For example, you could personalize your introduction, address them by name, or ask them how their recent purchase was going. Or, add a unique background to each video by choosing appropriate links for each recipient. Switch up any variable you like: the options are limitless! 

3. Put all your variable data in a data file, upload it, and then you’re ready to go. Based on that file and the original video, Tavus uses industry-leading AI lip syncing and voice cloning to make as many personalized videos as you need. Then send the videos out through your email or existing marketing channels. 

4. Or, dynamically trigger videos to go out depending on your receiver’s action. In this case, you don’t need a data file: Tavus works directly with 100+ top marketing, sales, ecommerce, and communication platforms so you can set up as many programmatic touchpoints as you want.  

Need to reach out to collect customer feedback from a thousand customers? Tavus can do that. What about developing an outreach campaign for a hundred thousand? Yep, it can do that too. Tavus turns one video into as many hyper-curated messages as you want–that are exciting, memorable, and powerful to receive.

Key Features: 

  • AI facial cloning and HD lip syncing 
  • Advanced AI audio engine turns your text into speech that sounds just like you
  • Personalized backgrounds relevant to each recipient 
  • White-labeled landing pages with custom, embeddable CTAs 
  • Integration with marketing tools and tech stack 
  • Analytics and performance tracking


Tavus' Enterprise plan offers unlimited users and AI models, custom video quantities, native integrations, enterprise-grade support, and much more. Schedule a demo to learn about pricing.

Best For: 

Tavus is best for mid-market teams and enterprises looking to efficiently scale their personalized video creation. Integrate Tavus into any and all of your workflows to transform how you build relationships with your audience.

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2. Vidyard

Vidyard is a personalized video software designed to create and analyze video content. Their tools help create demos, walkthroughs, and comprehensive guides to be sent out to potential clients. Vidyard can also be used internally when catching a sales rep up to speed on a client.

Key Features: 

  • Personalized video creation with editing tools
  • Interactive video elements such as quizzes and surveys
  • Analytics and viewer engagement tracking
  • Integration with CRM and marketing automation platforms
  • Video hosting and sharing capabilities


  • Free
  • Pro: $19/month
  • Business: Requires a demo

Best For: Communication for sales teams

3. Bonjoro

bonjoro logo

Bonjoro is a personalized video software that allows businesses to create short one-to-one video messages. Bonjoro connects to your current tech stack, so when someone signs up, subscribes, or makes an inquiry, you can record a personalized video just for them. While this can help with engagement, depending on the number of inbound requests you’re getting, this process can quickly become time-consuming. 

bonjoro video

Key Features: 

  • Video recording and editing tools
  • Integration with CRM and email marketing platforms
  • Mobile app for on-the-go video creation
  • Workflow automation and task management features
  • Analytics and performance tracking


  • Free
  • Starter: $19/month
  • Pro: $33/month
  • Grrrowth: $69/month

Best For: Sending short personal videos to smaller audiences, or group videos to larger audiences

4. Idomoo

idomoo logo

Idomoo is a personalized video software platform that enables businesses to make personalized videos, interactive videos, dynamic video ads, and personalized graphics. Informed by a spreadsheet of data you create, Idomoo designs videos for various industries and stages of the customer journey. 

However, it’s not a video of a real person speaking directly to the recipient. Instead, the text, images, graphics, and robotic voices in each video can be altered depending on the customer.

idomoo video

Key Features: 

  • Video personalization using customer data
  • Real-time video rendering for up-to-date content
  • Integration with CRM and data management systems
  • Customizable video templates and interactive elements
  • Performance analytics and A/B testing capabilities

Pricing: Idomoo doesn’t list pricing on their website, so you’ll have to reach out to them directly for a demo. 

Best For: Dynamic video ads, personalized graphics, and interactive videos

5. Hippo Video

Hippo Video is a personalized video software designed for sales teams. Use make a template or use pre-built templates and then record personalized introductions or conclusions to parse with the main video. Hippo Video also offers customization opportunities through text reveals, graphics and graphs, and images. They’re planning on offering AI-generated personalized videos at some point in the future, but it hasn’t been released.

Hippo Video page

Key Features: 

  • Video personalization using recipient data and merge tags
  • Screen recording and webcam capture capabilities
  • Video elements like call-to-action buttons and annotations
  • Integration with popular CRM and email marketing platforms
  • Video analytics and engagement tracking


  • Free
  • Pro: $20/month/user charged annually
  • Teams: $60/month/user charged annually
  • Enterprise: $80/month/user charged annually

Best For: 

Sales teams, marketers, and educators

6. Synthesia

Synthesia is an AI-powered personalized video software that allows users to create videos with avatars. Instead of real people recording themselves, Synthesia has users create their own avatars that can relay messages across many platforms. These messages can then be switched into various languages for different customer bases.

Key Features: 

  • AI-generated avatars for  video presentations
  • Multilingual capabilities
  • Customizable scripts and branding options
  • Integration with video hosting and distribution platforms
  • Performance tracking and analytics


  • Personal: $22.50/month
  • Business: Requires a demo

Best For: 

Individual recordings of avatar-based personalized videos 

Personalized Video Examples

There is a wide range of possibilities for personalizing your customer engagement through video. Let’s take a look at some examples of how Tavus videos are used by clients in a few industries (though the use case potential is unlimited)! 

Webinar Follow-ups: Webinars are a great way to engage with your audience, but the follow-up is just as important. With Tavus, you can send personalized videos to your attendees customized to their name, their company, and even any feedback they may have left during the session. This is also an effective way to re-engage whoever couldn't attend the webinar​.

Celebrating Customer Milestones: Customer loyalty can be enhanced by recognizing and celebrating key milestones in your relationship with them. Tavus provides the means to send personalized videos marking these special moments.

Onboarding New Team Members: Onboarding is a crucial step in ensuring new hires feel welcomed and prepared. Tavus allows you to create a personalized rundown of what they can expect on their first day, setting the right tone for their new role​​.

Make the Best Personalized Videos at Scale

Personalized video software is revolutionizing the way businesses engage with their audience. By leveraging the power of customization, businesses can create memorable and impactful video experiences that resonate with their viewers. 

But why spend hundreds of hours on personalized videos that you could make in a minute with Tavus? Tavus’ synthetic AI turns your one video into as many as you need–so you can overcome the hurdle of attention fatigue to inspire, delight, and convert. 

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